1. How do I Place an order?
    1. Click on the desired category (Tops, Bottoms, Shoes or Accessories).
    2. Browse the products on the category page.
    3. Click on the selected product and go to the product page and browse all images of the product.
    4. Select the desired Size (help is available on the Size Chart Button).
    5. Increase or decrease quantity to be ordered and press Add to cart.
    6. Provide an active discount code if you have received it on Instagram, facebook or through an email.
    7. Proceed to checkout.
    8. Provide name, delivery address, email and contact info. You may login if you are a registered user for auto-fill information.
    9. Provide mode of payment and payment details where necessary.
    10. Provide additional information to us regarding your preferences about the delivery etc.
    11. Choose to become a sassy member if desired.
    12. Click Place order button.
  2. How do I buy from the lookbook?
    1. Click the lookbook button from the menu or click the desired look from latest looks.
    2. Select the lookbook to browse (lookbook1 or lookbook2 etc).
    3. Browse all the looks.
    4. Click on the desired Look and land on the Look Page.
    5. View all images of the selected look and select the product from the look that you want to purchase and proceed to the product page to place order.
  3. How do I buy discounted products?
    1. Click on the Promotions/Deals tab on the Website Main Menu.
  4. What is the discount Code?
    1. From time to time sassy shares discount codes on Instagram and through Facebook and emails. These codes have expiry dates that are mentioned in the promotion ad.
    2. To ensure receipt of these discount codes, please register yourself on the website and start following us on Instagram (thesassystorepk).
  5. How will I Know you have received my order?
    1. An email will be sent to you confirming that we have received your order.
  6. How can I set time for delivery?
    1. You can provide that as additional information on the checkout page.
  7. How do I exchange?
    1. Just send an email to admin@thesassystore.shop with your reference order no. with your request.
    2. The exchange possibilities will be discussed and concluded via email and replacement sent out.
    3. You will have to send the returning package after the discussion is concluded.
  8. How do I pay?
    1. If you select COD, the payment will received from you on time of delivery.
  9. How do I register a complaint?
    1. Just send an email to admin@thesassystore.shop.
  10. How do I get more info on a product?
    1. You can send an email at admin@thesassystore.shop or direct message on Instagram.

  11. How can i get urgent shipping in Lahore?
    1. You can get urgent shipping by choosing urgent shipping on shipping page. COD is available for urgent orders in Lahore
  12. How can i get urgent shipping out side of Lahore
    1. Urgent shipping is only available for Paid orders. COD is not available for urgent shipping outside of Lahore